Displacement and satellite motion
R.E. Tremblay
all rights reserved
If air friction can be neglected, all
objects in free-fall, near the
Earth’s surface, accelerate down
at approximately 10 m/s/s.
An object with an initial vertical
velocity of 0 m/s will fall 5 meters
in the first second of free-fall.
The crate lands toward the
rear of the car
Note that the plane is moving
from right to left
Front of car
Path of
Satellite motion
8 km/s
Drops 5 meters in 1 second
Escape velocity
A projectile, moving away from the
Earth at 11.2 km/s, will escape the
Earth’s pull of gravity.
Objects in your car are moving
with the same velocity as the
If you toss an apple out the
window, it will be moving
forward with the same speed
as the car.
Although wind friction will slow the
object down, it will still be moving
forward until it hits the ground.
Why don’t communication
satellites that appear to hover
‘motionless’ above the Earth,
Satellites in geosyncronous
orbits, are actually moving very
fast. They take 24 hours to
orbit the Earth.
The Moon is a satellite of the
The ball will fall from a straight line path
the same distance that the object falls.
5 meters in 1 second, 20 meters in
2 seconds…..
Straight line path
There is no permanent dark
side of the moon
X marks the side that
always faces the earth.
North pole